“We can do anything we want if we stick to it long enough.”
-Helen Keller
Gratitude Helps
Perseverance is the message, but because it is Helen Keller who said this, I believe there is also a more subtle message we can glean from this quote, and that message is one of gratitude. We can and should be grateful not just for what we have that we want, but for what we don’t have that we don’t want. Most of us wake up and can see and hear—we should not take such good fortune for granted. If our health is basically good, we should be grateful. If we have a roof over our heads, we should be grateful. And so on. But how often do we take for granted our many gifts and blessings? Ask yourself: what’s the hardest thing you had to do today? Imagine the struggles and compromises of every person who lives with a disability that you do not, who suffers from a health condition that you do not, or who lacks basic things that you enjoy every day.
Some important questions arise: How can we help others? What can we do to make their lives even a bit better? Perhaps answering these questions can help us choose a few things we may wish to do.
More Gratitude Means More Energy
Are we allowing ourselves to be as deeply grateful as we can be, for the good things we have and experience in our daily lives? Do we thank those around us who teach us, guide us, coach us, parent us? Do we forgive them when they are less than perfect— with a grateful heart for all they do well and all they try their best to do, even if they sometimes disappoint us?
Fully embracing gratitude and acknowledging all things for which we can be grateful will energize us, because gratitude leads to happiness and happiness leads to more excitement and energy, which, in turn, helps us succeed in reaching important goals we set.
Begin With The End In Mind
As for perseverance—the real message of the quote— this question occurs to me: what is worth persevering for? Think of the basic concept, “we can do anything we want.” Anything we want. If we can indeed do anything we want, what should we pick?
We do have to pay a price, after all; we must “stick to it long enough.” It will take our time. And our effort. And our focus. And we will have to give our time and effort and focus to this goal over other things. So we should pick wisely.
Stephen Covey says, “Begin with the end in mind.” I love this idea. To me, at this early point in my life, this can mean beginning with my very life in mind. How do I want it to turn out? Who do I want to become? What do I want to accomplish? What difference do I want to make?
These are the questions I believe we should ask ourselves when we commit ourselves to any goal-- and to the important investment of time and effort required to reach that goal. Let’s not waste time or energy on goals that won’t lead us to the most important goal of all—living a life that makes a positive difference in the world.